About Cyndi

Cyndi Grace was born in Denver, Colorado into a military family. She became a Christian at the age of 10 in Atwater, California, and at the age of 18 in Long Beach, MS felt God calling her into full-time Christian ministry.

She is a graduate of Mississippi College and has a Women's Ministry advanced certificate degree from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. She and her husband, Jerry, have two grown children.

In 1993, Cyndi's "perfect life" crashed around her and she had to accept that she had been relying on her perceived perfection and not God's grace. From that time God has richly blessed her with a heart for worship and a desire to minister to women who have hurts and needs in their lives.


Cyndi stays busy leading in conferences and retreats as well as an ongoing weekly Bible study. She feels that her call is to the woman in the pew who is searching for more!


Doctrine of Belief

  1. I believe the Bible to be the inspired, authoritative Word of God.

  2. I believe that there is One God, eternally existent in Three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

  3. I believe that man was created in the image of God, and that he sinned and thereby incurred not only physical death, but also spiritual death, which is separation from God.

  4. I believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His death as atonement for the sins of all who believe in Him, in His bodily resurrection and ascension into Heaven, and in His personal return to earth in power and glory.

  5. I believe that the Holy Spirit indwells each believer at the moment of salvation and continues to empower and teach as the believer is yielded more and more completely to God. The Holy Spirit is evident in the believer's life by the fruit He gives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, self-control; by the varieties of gifts He gives to build up His body, the church, and by the power He gives to witness and make disciples.

  6. I believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ, and the commitment we share to spread His word and to minister to the needs of one another.

Mission Statement

This ministry's sole purpose is with God's guidance, to guide women into a closer
relationship with Christ through teaching His Word and through sharing testimony
of His faithfulness in my life.
